Browsing Category: "WordPress-plugin"

WP Robot Review – Best Autoblogging Plugin for WordPress

October 30th, 2010 | Posted in WordPress-plugin

WP Robot Review – Best Autoblogging Plugin for WordPress : A product that hit the world by surprise and revolutionized the technology of blogging, WP  Robot is an automatic blogging plug-in which is built for word press weblogs. WP Robot lets the user create specific blog posts on any topic of their choice without writing anything and practically without lifting a finger.

The user can specify the WordPress Autoblogging Plugin about which content to post on the blog and when to post it, WP Robot is very customizable and easy to use, another benefit is that it is keyword oriented and WP Robot will incorporate all the keywords into an article that you specify.

With all the new auto blogging plugins available in the market today, WP Robot is the most prominent because of the innovative features that it has to offer, also gives you 6 auto blogging tools in 1 wordpress plug-in. WP Robot is not just an ordinary plugin like the others; WP Robot is capable of automatically creating unlimited posts from 21 unique sources (9 of which earn you money!), being able to mix it in any way and rewrite it WP Robot makes sure your autoblogs never get boring!

WP Robot has the option of buying additional modules (20!) to incorporate different things and money making streams in your blog. You have a choice of buying the entire package of 20 modules plus bonuses or you can pick and choose which modules you want to use. The different modules include Clickbank, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo Answers, YouTube videos, Commission Junction products, Shopzilla comparisons, articles and lots more.

One of the modules is a translator which is a great way of  getting extra visitors and SEO value by translating your blog into another language.    Have a look at your site statistics one day in cpanel you may be surprised at the countries where your visitors are coming from and their native language.

WP Robot Discount Code for you : if you decide to buy wprobot wordpress plugin, here is “ wp robot coupon code” to easily save up to 91$ .We will regularly update this post  when new “wp robot coupon” exit. The process to get wp robot discount code 2016 is very easy.

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Buy and Sell text links

博客赚钱介绍Add to Tech Favorites • 10,058 views• No Comment

WP Robot – Complete Auto Blogging Solution

June 30th, 2010 | Posted in WordPress-plugin

WP Robot offers a complete auto blogging solution and you can post any stuff on your website without even lifting your finger. It is easy to use because of its easy structure and guidelines to help you along the way. The content generated by WPRobot is in good quality and does not seem to be randomly generated which is the reason why it is so successful in the market.

WP Robot is a powerful and easy to use autoblogging plugin for WordPress weblogs allowing you to turn your blog on complete auto-pilot and drip-feed it with fresh content in regular intervals you specify. With WP Robot you can create targeted blog posts on any topic without writing anything! And now you can use WP Robot Discount Code to save your money!

One of the many features of this plugin is that it can get an unlimited number of keywords and you can use them with any module and a very impressive feature of this plugin is that it has a built in translator which can translate blog content into 9 different languages so you can get increased visibility.. The consumer review of the WProbot is that a lot of people experienced increased traffic on their website and it helped them make a lot more money than they were making before .

It is really a complex autoblogging plugin that gives a lot of features and almost unlimited possibilities. Whilst complex the plugin remains simple to use due to it’s reasonable framework and also instant help boxes inside the admin menu. Listed below you will discover a summary around the main features. Every module will add its list of exclusive features and settings! The WPRobot Full Version includes all modules and features!

Save with WP Robot Discount Code for download WP Robot WordPress Autoposting Plugin. You can easily get save up 41% discount on with new WP Robot Coupon Code. WPRobot WordPress Autoposting Plugin for bloggers or blog designers Set up a auto blogging sites, get fresh new content automatically and make money with free traffic.

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make money with your web site

博客赚钱介绍Add to Tech Favorites • 8,768 views• 2 Comments


September 5th, 2009 | Posted in WordPress-plugin, 博客优化

如何你开了博客,那么有一件事是你一直追求的,那就是SEO(搜索引擎优化),除非你写博客是做日记本,自写给自己看。通过一定的SEO,比如为关键字tag添加内部链接。搞英文博客有一阵子了,对SEO的重要性也有了一些体会,最近针对自己的英文博客,尝试了几个Auto Keyword Link插件(关键字自动链接插件),试图建立内部链接

为啥这样做?因为建立内部链接对网页排名是有好处的,就算不能提高网页排名, 建立内部链接也能增加一些页面浏览量,即提高PV。如果在发布文章时手动添加链接效果会很好, 大家也都这样做,但是文章多了,也搞不清楚到底有无写过相关的文章,搜索起来比较麻烦,再加上WP博客人中,不乏懒人吧!懒的去做这个的话,今天在这里就给发家分享 几个自动为tag添加内部链接的WordPress插件.

SEO Smart Links插件:

介绍:SEO Smart Links可以通过一次性的设定文章、页面或留言出现的关键词,通过关键词的加入,使得我们把某些关键词链向知道的POST URL上,从而提供这个POST的权重,它匹配的项目包括文章链接、页面链接、分类链接和标签链接。

  • 可设置是否添加”nofollow”属性, 是否在新窗口中打开链接.
  • 可手动指定关键词和对应的URL链接.
  • 可设置每个页面最多自动添加几个链接
  • 可设置要忽略的关键词


Keyword Link Plugin插件:

为你的wordpress博客添加关键词的链接,更多的内链和外链,更好的SEO!  并且你可以自由设置“不追踪链接”、“第一次有效”、“新窗口链接”、“忽略大小写”这些功能,使用起来很灵活,比如可以为你的Tag增加自动关键词链接,这样在正文出现时同样有效。给文章加上内部链接有利于增加搜索引擎收录。面向所有的wordpress中文用户。完美支持中英文关键词。 英文原版下载| 中文版下载 

Alinks 插件

通过预先设置关键词和对应的链接即可. 之后文章中出现设置过链接的关键词, 则会自动添加上. 可以设置每页最多添加多少个关键词, 链接是否在新窗口中打开, 自定义链接图标, 链接点击统计功能。

Link A Dink插件:

半自动的链接插件. 和Alinks插件的使用差不多, 通过手动设置关键词和对应的链接, 然后你以后写文章时会自动为该关键词添加链接.

博客赚钱介绍Add to Tech Favorites • 7,966 views• 14 Comments


June 14th, 2009 | Posted in wordpress, WordPress-plugin, 博客建设

啊啊唉,,咋办咋办?一直没时间更新。是不是考虑请个小朋友来兼职,哈哈  说说,还没到这个地步。上次更新到现在,又有好久没去动了。没办法,英文站要紧,我想经常逛的朋友该知道我还有个英文站的。说话最近流量还算稳定,可是这两天,慢慢的走下坡路了,也不知道是不死WP2.8一来,N多朋友都不搜索杂七杂八的东西了。

经过我细心的检查,网站流量降低,大有可能性的原因是网站地图插件,XML-sitemap出来一点点问题,因为当时忘了切图,只能大致如:There is a problem with notified to Google.  Bing和Ask.com都一样出错。意思是说,更新不能通知到个搜索引擎。起初以为是插件版本的问题,大家都知道,自从微软推出Bing搜索,对应的博客网站地图生成插件google-sitemap-generator,也从3.12 升级至3.13. 又去检查了一次,记得我是更新过的。再比较了其他几个博客的原因。想到了,是我的Wordpress版本原因,我那博客使用的还是WP2.6,几次rebuild the sitemap manually. 还是无法解决,之后决定升级。其实升级的想法早有了,可是太多的人说,WordPress2.8有问题,又有点不敢。



可是看清楚才知道,Click Tags插件的(Tag关键字一一罗列,方便发布文章是添加)功能消失了,几经关闭开启依旧无效。唉 Click Tags插件给我带来的是效率,怎么就能没了呢,有一点点不爽。WP2.7中是完全可以使用的呀!Fuck!   再就是分类目录的丢失,或许一般人会觉得没啥,可是yixiu这边就出问题了。很早之前,为了分类目录可排序,我在博客上启用了WordPress 分类排序插件:My Category Order,Wordpress2.8和他打架了。唉,想了一想,在使用WP2.7的情况下,上面两个插件都肯好好的为我工作,何必WP2.8呢!


折腾是折腾,折腾使人明智,多长知识,给后人引路。哈哈   小小吹牛下,Yixiu花大钱购买了两个网站,哈哈 看好的是域名带PR。改天再说说,又是一些列折腾。

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