Archive for November, 2009

Hostgator Hosting 75% Off 破天荒的大优惠

November 28th, 2009 | Posted in 域名主机

如果你有幸在北美时间28之前看到这个这个,你是非常的幸运。因为在这里我要给你一个破天荒的大优惠。关于Hostgator Hosting 75% 折扣,是四分之一的价格。赶紧,,,先上图

具体为:使用优惠码 通过我这里注75off 册,特别优惠码,所以请你这里注册会生效。

我购买2年的baby只要花53刀,原价214刀的物品 只要只要53刀!

选择the unlimited baby 款型:


两年只要 $53.70

三年…….only $71.55!!!! 

时间,不多两个小时不到!! 希望你是在28号之前看到这个文章的。赶紧注册购买

是内部特别优惠。呵呵 信不信由你,我反正已经购买2年unlimited baby 。

Buy and Sell text links

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Translia – Translation Service(专业翻译服务)

November 25th, 2009 | Posted in 不想分类, 互联网的, 电脑相关


今天我就介绍一个这样的专业翻译服务公司,Translia 这个网站挺有意思,它是专业翻译工作者获得工作、完成翻译并获得回报的在线平台。Translia 同时也是一个语言专家联络交友、学习、互助和拓展的友好社区。像个社区,又像是买卖的市场。企业只要能买单,出钱给该公司,该公司就会把改“任务”分发给下面,由翻译者完成。而翻译者就可以得到一部分钱,这个跟“猪八戒”等网站有点相似。

如果你的英文很好,或者不好,都可以免费注册来玩玩。可以交流学习英语,如果英语好,可以赚取一部分money,哈哈 何乐不为呢!


  1.  发布你的翻译任务:上传文件,选择语言,设定价格和时间。
  2. 专业翻译工作者们立刻开始翻译你的文件。
  3. 翻译者将按时交付经过认真翻译、仔细编辑和校对的译文,你确认满意后付款。


Note: Translia also offers affiliate commission to bloggers. See for details.

make money with your web site

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SponsoredTweets – Make Money With Your Twitter

November 21st, 2009 | Posted in 博客赚钱

SponsoredTweets is a website where tweeters can make money with tweet a sponsored messages(ads), then they pay you for the  them to tweet sponsored messages. I have made some money on there, if you are like to, follow my steps.  Also follow me onTwitter.

On SponsoredTweets, the advantages of Tweeters and Advertisers:

The cool thing about Sponsored tweets is that they accept both large and very small tweeters. Your value is essentially based upon your number of followers and the amount of people you’re following. And although you can set your own price to whatever you think your tweets are worth, there is an automated system which tells you what your approximate value is. But now, my price is only $1. More followers will get high price. So please Follow me  :) !

The case study below will be on my experience advertising on Sponsored Tweets. Advertisers are those who want to pay others to tweet out messages. The price ranges from around a dollar up to thousands of dollars and even those “Call for price” tweets

So, I think, bloggers are mostly have the Twitter account, we are use it get traffic and talk with others before, but now we can make money use it! Great!

Go sign up as tweeters right now. Ton Money is wait for you!

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Great Car Rear Spoilers Review

November 19th, 2009 | Posted in 不想分类

Owning a car is very common now. The brand of my car is BMW. According to my experience, my car is very good. And I like travelling by driving my car. But there was an incident last week and it did a harm to my car. I will tell the story below:

Alex who lived near my house was one of my best friends. He said that he was so busy that he just had no time to look after his little son. And he asked me if I could help him. As I was not very busy these days and his son was really very lovely, I said that there was no problem. This iboy was not very exciting in my house. But It seemed that he was fond of cars. In order to make him happy, I directed him to my car. After that I went to the kitchen and prepared for the supper.

I was really very upset when I came back because he carved some lines on the rear of my car! But he was only a little boy, I did not scold him for that.
So I have to find some rear spoilers for help now. But where can I get the help? Never do I try it before. Jay,who is a car repairman , says that is a good choice for me. I trust him because he is professional in that.

If you have the same problem with me,you may just follow Jay `s advcie!

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