WordPress theme推荐:3个栏fresh性质的blog主题
推荐3款带有 fresh性质的blog主题,感觉很不错,都是3栏(3 Column) 的,主题基本有2个widgets,当然自己可以添加,也有广告,同样适合博客赚钱。兼容游览器:FireFox2,FireFox3,IE6,IE7,Opera 9.5,Safari等。喜欢的朋友去看看吧!3 Column fresh theme base with natural green. It contain 2 widget-ready sidebar,It’s compatible with Firefox, Internet Explorer 6 & 7, Opera, and Safari. Enjoy!
CryBook is a 3 Column simple theme base withthe popular Facebook. It contain 2 widget-ready sidebar, live theme swistcher and Custom Admin Panel. It’s compatible with up to WordPress 2.6.2 and has been tested with in Firefox3, Internet Explorer 6 & 7, Opera, and Safari. This is a very simple theme, you may notice that it is only a few files included. The key is, it is not only tabless but also imageless! There is no a single image used in layout!
- Special comment fields with avatar.
- Google
Adsense or any image banner in sidebar ( 300px X 250px ).
- Google Analytics easily insert field.
- SEO Friendly
SuperFresh is a 3 Column fresh theme base with natural green. It contain 2 widget-ready sidebar, custom templates, with a featured post section in the main page. It’s compatible with up to WordPress 2.6 and has been tested with in Firefox, Internet Explorer 6 & 7, Opera, and Safari.
Blue Blog is a 3 Column themes that mostly for bloggers. It contain 2 widget-ready sidebar, custom templates, integrated pulgins and integrated digg, delicious and stumbleupon for every posts. It’s compatible with WordPress 2.6 and has been tested with in Firefox, Internet Explorer 6 & 7, Opera, and Safari.Special Function:
- Tabbing System
- A 468 x 60 banner after the 1st post of the main page
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不觉得呀!SEO还要看主题的!选择了好主题,那就得意了。 呵呵 我这里还有个文章就是如何选择好主题, 你搜索“主题选择”看下!
换主题影响seo的情况 只可能是新主题的seo没做好…-.- 一般情况下 title meta之类的还是要优化滴
yacca, 除了ALL in seo 插件之外,还有什么能优化的嘛 呵呵 教教我啦!
剩下的就是优化关键字之类的…这个得靠你自己了 哈哈