ARAID-automated backup your data

August 13th, 2008, 11:02 pm| Posted in 不想分类, 电脑相关

You know,we are blogger,and work at home use the computer everyday! Writes the articles and the post. Whether you do bump into the contingency like sudden power failure, the computer halts and so on situations, when we open our computer again, discovered that the thing we have write did not Existence. Because the contingency, on our computer stored up the material the hard disk to go bad,  (A 2007 study found that over 3% of all hard disks fail each year. )then the data loss. How do we want to do, let the data information lose or tries to find the data back.

Now, if my computer had two hard drives, it’s the ARAID ,It provides automated backup using hot swappable RAID capability. The ARAID is transparent to the PC – no device drivers or software needs to be installed. To the PC, our ARAID product looks like a standard hard drive, but it provides RAID-1 mirroring, automated failover and hot swap capabilities. You would never lose data again.

The ARAIDs also fix for small business servers, home computers , factory automation, telemetry, transaction processing, logistics and so on.

The ARAID like a hard drive, Can be used with any operating system including Windows, MacOS, Linux, Solaris, etc and support both SATA and IDE 3.5″ drives and can also
connect to a computer via Firewire, USB, SATA, eSATA, and IDE. Compact
ARAID models support SATA and IDE 2.5″ drives.

Use ARAID,never lose data again!

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