
February 18th, 2009 | Posted in 博客赚钱

Payingpost.com是去年11月17号兴起的一家付费评论广告商,也就是常说的话题广告商,写个文章就可以到手几至几十美元,payingpost本来只接受英文博客,只有我的英文博客上在推广,我注册的很早,是该网站成立后的第70个博客主,从开始注册到现在也只写过2个文章,广告话题不是很多,价格不高。由于参加的人数还不多的缘故吧!前两天,Payingpost给我来信说,我的中文博客LOVEBLOGEARN被接受了,邮件同时说明,他们现在起也开始接受中文博客了。:) 这以改革对于我们中文博客来说,无疑是一个喜讯。

Payingpost跟以前提到的 SponsoredReviewsBuyBlogReviews写评论赚取美元 LinkWorth上的linkpost一样,都是写话题赚美元的主儿,从开始到现在,我在Payingpost看到过的话题价格最高价$35,最低为5刀,我想中文博客,能赚钱就好,要求不要太高。加入很简单,只要登入Payingpost.com网站,点击右上角的Register就行,话题站都是一个模式,可参考以前的教程注册。唯一的区别是等网站审核后,他修要你在footer下</head>之前添加验证码,确认博客是你的。现在加入,就有10美元,因为它有一个关于payingpost自身的话题,价格为10美元,写了就能拿到。

另外几点要求:博客成立3个月以上,经常更新的,20个文章以上,还有not include nofollow tags in the robots meta tags。当你达到50美元的时候,于下月1日一并通过Paypal支付给你。目前,payingpost还有推荐计划,加入你拿Loveblogearn的邀请码去注册。如果你写的第一个话题审核通过后,我可以得到15美元的奖励。不过据我几个月的观察,我已经推荐60多个人了,还没有一个奖励的。呵呵 不知道统计是否准确。这个奖励倒无所谓,能写评论赚钱才是真呀!你可以看看我上个月的收入。:)


Buy and Sell text links

博客赚钱介绍Add to Tech Favorites • 4,547 views• 21 Comments

Blogger Make Money With Buy Link Post

February 8th, 2009 | Posted in 不想分类, 博客赚钱

When you watching this post, I think you are a blogger, We all know that blogging is an enjoyable thing. As we bloggers, We can share our opinions, tell people something, make friends online and also can get paid to blog. Like me, tell people how to make more money by blogging. :)

You can see my blog is like to make money online, So I always tell people blogging tips, Business opportunities and so on. Today, I will tell you a company with it you can make money with Paid Review. Continue reading »

make money with your web site

博客赚钱介绍Add to Tech Favorites • 9,650 views• No Comment


December 5th, 2008 | Posted in 博客赚钱

LinkAdage同样是一个文字链接交易平台,也是根据Google PR值来决定每个文字链接的售价,就像BackLinks,现在我设置的LinkAdage价格是8刀一个。在几天前,我就写过一个文章,但是我拿因为写的,很多人以为是付费评论,但是我没有说破,呵  我想喜欢博客赚钱的,聪明的人都会去看那文章LinkAdage-Text Links Center for Webmasters 。里面详细介绍了。我把它叫做backlinks的老大哥,老外也一直这么说的(Brother )原因有比BackLinks成立的早,因为他买链接价格高,而且可以自己设置



LinkAdage不是注重Google PR,而是外部链接等,当然PR也是考虑价格的因素。也就是我经常说的一句话,“不用PR照样卖链接”,我看行!但不提供WordPress插件,只能使用代码,于是问题出来了,太多的人都不知道如何才能添加代码,让linkAdage的蜘蛛抓到,是你的网站激活。已经好多人来问了,所以今天在这里就说下如何添加LinkAdage验证代码,其实很简单,你也可以参照Backlinks代码添加 具体可见 : Continue reading »

博客赚钱介绍Add to Tech Favorites • 67,499 views• 30 Comments

LinkAdage-Text Links Center for Webmasters

November 22nd, 2008 | Posted in 不想分类, 博客推广, 博客赚钱

The new way to buy and sell text links, LinkAdage-Text Links Center for Webmasters. During 2003, LinkAdage™ was developed by founder John Lessnau with the core idea of creating an open marketplace for Text Link Advertising. The LinkAdage goal was to stop rampant Text Link Advertising price gouging by allowing webmasters to buy and sell text link ads direct.

For Advertisers: Are you looking to increase your search engine rankings and link popularity? Using Links Direct to buy text links will help you achieve these goals. Most search engines, including Google, use link popularity as a primary factor in determining rankings. We make buying text links simple by by giving you instant access to our database of thousands of web pages where you buy text links at low rates. Select from a wide variety of web pages in 60 categories. As a text link Advertiser, you will be able to purchase text links from our network of web site publishers. The cost per text link varies since our publishers can set the prices they want to charge for their text links. You will have the ability to browse our text link inventory and select the text links you would like to purchase on a monthly basis. Create a Advertiser account.

For Publishers: LinkAdage allows web site owners to generate revenue by selling text links on their web pages to make money. You can monetize every page on your web site that is indexed by Google, not just high PageRank pages,(No PR Request)! You set Continue reading »

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