博客之余,谈及下工作- 第一天job!

July 12th, 2009 | Posted in 生活日记

哈哈 说了搞笑,今天去上班了,第一天。做宅男半年多,在家全职博客半年了,今天总于去了上班了,哈哈 不是说博客赚钱不可能,我可以说,我博客赚钱比一般人的工资都高很多,我向一些朋友了结果他们的工资情况。昨天去买了 两台空调和一部相机,至买了本本之后,也总于有自己的数码相机了,怎么说我也工作了呢!下面我稍微说下,挺有趣。

就年新年那会,出去旅游,认识一个老板娘,主要是跟我妈妈有点熟,当时见到我,说我应该是干事业的料(偷笑中),那是记得她说的一句话,想要钱多,自己创业做生意,于是,我更加的努力Blogging,and make money online(不好意思,常常用字母写,因为最近一直忙于我的英文站S ,为老外打工,写广告;都快习惯了英文。)

快毕业了,那老帮娘一直惦记着我,问我老妈我上班没,5月份那会,我正好去学校了。上周一打电话来说,问我要不要去她那上班(平湖市供销配送服务中心-  纪英副食品批发部)。可是我女朋友周四正好要来我家看我,于是乎,推迟到今天。今早过去,不知道东西价格,啥也做不了。后来老板娘让我跟着一个人出去,乘着货车开到金桥,那边一个如海超市,在门口摆摊,搞促销,卖产品,哈哈 主要是传化系列的:传化洗衣粉,洗洁精,买一送二! 嘎嘎… 哈哈 不过这天气真是,热的憋气,在太阳下面,真是烫死人。一天下来,老妈说我 黑了。呵呵 确实很酷,不过体验下也好,就当军训。

明天不知道做什么,晚上那会老般娘说,那边做的每个不同活,叫都跟着出去试试,到时自己决定做什么。呵呵 不知道明天干吗!能适应就做,不适应就不干了,不过只是认识的,你说去一天就不干,总不太好意思吧!哈哈哈…

最近一直没更新博客,其实主要是忙着英文内容,这两天话题都忙不过来,唉  前期投资购买了2个网站,经过一些列的域名转移,搬家,新建等过程,哈  学习了很多,其实一直有好像话想要说,可就是感觉没时间写出来,有点时间就去折腾英文的了,这下白天有去上班,哈哈 说下我的目标是:博客赚钱,买全家里的家电,最后就是 买个小车车。哈哈

Buy and Sell text links

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Success with WordPress – 帮你网上赚钱

May 14th, 2009 | Posted in 博客赚钱

Over the past year, WordPress has become the top blogging platform in the world, and many major internet companies (such as CNN, Yahoo, Sony, The New York Times, People Magazine, and eBay) have taken notice.  At the same time, many bloggers are using a number of techniques to make significant income with their WordPress blogs.   Are you getting the most out of your WordPress installation?

在过去的一年,已成为WordPress的顶端博客平台在世界上,许多重大的互联网公司(如CNN ,雅虎,索尼公司,纽约时报,人物杂志,易趣)已经采取通知。快速浏览周围许多这些公司的网站查看WordPress的装置被用来管理部分,他们的网站。与此同时,许多Blogger使用了一些技术取得重大的收入与他们的WordPress的博客。您是否获得了最出你的WordPress的安装?

如果您打算创建一个博客,或者刚刚创建一个,成功与WordPress的是必须有:您可以节省大量的时间,而安装WordPress的,您的博客的博客将被西区优化自其第一天(这意味着更快指数在谷歌和其他搜索引擎) ,你就会有最好的意见,开始赚钱博客。

If you plan to create a blog, or just created one, Success with WordPress is a must have: You’ll save a lot of time while installing WordPress, your blog blog will be SEO-optimized since its first days (which means a quicker indexation in Google and other search engines), and you’ll have the best advice to start making money blogging.

If you already got an etablished blog, or consider yourself as a WordPress advanced user, I’m pretty sure you’ll also find tips that will make your blogger life easier.  Success with WordPress also covers WordPress SEO and blog monetization: Kyle, who earn 2000$ + with his blogs every month, provide great tips and techniques to increase your Adsense earnings, manage your affiliate links and a lot more. Since I read that tips and applied it on my blogs, my adsense earning increased up to 30%!

A list of the topics covered in this eBook include:

  1. A Beginner’s Guide to WordPress
    • Installing WordPress via Fantastico
    • Finding a WordPress Friendly Webhost
    • WordPress Post-Install Checklist
    • Creating a WordPress Sitemap
    • Creating a Robots.txt File
    • Using Google Webmaster Tools
  2. Building a Multi-Author WordPress Blog
    • Setting Up Author Permissions
    • Adding Author Information To Your WordPress Blog
    • Building an Author Page
  3. Using WordPress as a Content Management System (CMS)
    • How do I build my CMS?
    • Should I use a Content Management System?
    • Building a WordPress Forum
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips designed specifically for WordPress
    • WordPress Permalink Structure
    • WordPress Post Slug
    • Using the Post Meta Title
    • Using Images + Alt Tags
    • Emphasize Keywords
    • Using Anchor Text
    • Making Your Post Dates Stand Out
    • Standardizing your Backlinks
    • Using Breadcrumbs On Your Blog
    • Controlling Link Juice
  5. Building a Niche Blog with WordPress
    • What is a Niche Blog?
    • Niche Blogging Strategy
    • How to Locate a Niche?
    • How to find a niche domain?
    • Finding a WordPress Niche Theme?
    • Completing Your WordPress Niche Blog

The other topics covered in great detail in the Success with WordPress eBook include how to maximize CPC Income with Google AdSense and also a number of advanced Affiliate Marketing techniques designed specifically for WordPress users.

make money with your web site

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February 14th, 2009 | Posted in 博客赚钱

Since the emergence of millions of business opportunities on the web and easy online wealth creation, there has also been a lot of competition online. This competition has also witnessed a lot of success in this huge market, which may be difficult for some and possible for some. Considering the business and marketing opportunities like network marketing, website development and home based businesses and other related methods, it can be said that the web is offering money making opportunities for everyone.



Success rate on the web:However it has been seen that the success rate on the web has not been very high for a lot of people. This happens because such individuals consider the web to be an easy money making method. Hence they are not willing to put in enough effort or time to earn that kind of money. There are so many sites failing to succeed these days and the major reasons here include the lack of inadequate facilities and not being able to achieve profitability. So those who want to get a successful and sustainable internet business should always remember that risks need to be evaluated and there is also the requirement of a clear and sincere vision. Other factors include researching, planning, execution and testing, which play a vital role in your business’s success.

Getting success on the web:Success rate on the web has not been very high for a lot of people and there are many reasons for the same. There are a lot of individuals who consider the web to be an easy money making method. So they don’t consider putting in enough effort or time to earn money on the web and then blame the internet for their failure. One can see so many sites failing to succeed because of the lack of inadequate facilities. These sites are not being able to achieve profitability due to their wrong marketing strategies. The brands which want to become successful and sustainable internet business need to evaluate their risks with clear and sincere vision. Some other methods that need to be implemented here are researching, planning, execution and testing.



Reasons for failure of online business opportunities :There are various reasons for failures on the web and the major ones include lack of dedication and effort. Websites fail because they try to build global brands instead of focusing on local regions and areas. The online business and part time opportunities require their focus to be on a smaller audience before targeting to become a global brand. Hence the people who want to make money online should shift their attention focus on a niche market. So trying to dominate a larger market would be a mistake here and the aim should be to capture the smaller markets to get profits and long term gains.

It has been seen that most of the conventional jobs have become boring and tedious for most professionals. Hence people are on the lookout for jobs that give them more flexibility and freedom along with good money. If you are considering online business opportunities then your costs for marketing, advertisements, investments and other related expenses are reduced. If you are considering an online job opportunity, then you have to work for a limited number of hours every day and hence there is actually no requirement to dedicate about 10 hours to a regular job. As you finish your work, you can wind up for the day and relax. Hence these online jobs and businesses are being preferred over the regular jobs and businesses these days.


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LinkAdage-Text Links Center for Webmasters

November 22nd, 2008 | Posted in 不想分类, 博客推广, 博客赚钱

The new way to buy and sell text links, LinkAdage-Text Links Center for Webmasters. During 2003, LinkAdage™ was developed by founder John Lessnau with the core idea of creating an open marketplace for Text Link Advertising. The LinkAdage goal was to stop rampant Text Link Advertising price gouging by allowing webmasters to buy and sell text link ads direct.

For Advertisers: Are you looking to increase your search engine rankings and link popularity? Using Links Direct to buy text links will help you achieve these goals. Most search engines, including Google, use link popularity as a primary factor in determining rankings. We make buying text links simple by by giving you instant access to our database of thousands of web pages where you buy text links at low rates. Select from a wide variety of web pages in 60 categories. As a text link Advertiser, you will be able to purchase text links from our network of web site publishers. The cost per text link varies since our publishers can set the prices they want to charge for their text links. You will have the ability to browse our text link inventory and select the text links you would like to purchase on a monthly basis. Create a Advertiser account.

For Publishers: LinkAdage allows web site owners to generate revenue by selling text links on their web pages to make money. You can monetize every page on your web site that is indexed by Google, not just high PageRank pages,(No PR Request)! You set Continue reading »

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